Virtual Carrier Air Wing One is home to a large group of individuals, all of whom share a deep interest in naval aviation and flight combat simulation, and utilize Eagle Dynamic's Digital Combat Simulation platform to bring these two things together in a simulation environment and allows us to fly realistic combat sorties under standard U.S. NATOPs flight operation standards. This is the framework that brings the group together on a daily basis, and for what we, as a group, work to enhance as much as possible with quality multiplayer mission design, personalized aircraft skins, a robust training curriculum, and continual updates to our operational procedures. As a group we take our attention to these details very seriously, and are constantly striving to be better sim pilots with every flight we fly, be it training, "pick-up" flights, or campaign missions.

It's important to note also that Virtual Carrier Air Wing One is membership driven. We encourage members to take active roles within the group to continue to provide a quality experience however they can, be it with mission design, painting skins, or any other skill they can contribute with. We embrace the team concept where no individual outshadows another. Virtual Carrier Air Wing One does not use any form of rank or ranking system - all our members are pilots of the same level. Each squadron has a CO for overall management purposes, and Instructor Pilots are not chosen - they are volunteers. Administrative staff handles much of the background work required to keep the group running, which includes maintaining the servers we fly on, the website, and the flight logbook, as well as other tools necessary to the daily operation of the wing such as Discord.

With all that said however, who exactly are we?

Simply put, members of Virtual Carrier Air Wing One come from all aspects of life - some are active service members, some have previously served, some are IT professionals or mechanics. Our shared interest of naval aviation brings us together, and the friendships we develop as a result keep us going as a group. We tend to be rather roudy, typically irreverent, with lots of so-called "locker room" talk and banter back and forth frequently. While we take what we do as far as our sim flying and operations go very seriously, we don't take ourselves seriously, and joke and laugh with, and at, each other most of the time.

Site design by VCAW-1 Web Design.

All images, screenshots, and videos created using Eagle Dynamic's Digital Combat Simulator are displayed under Fair Use copyright law.

© 2018 - 2023 Virtual Carrier Air Wing 1.  Virtual Carrier Air Wing 1 and it's virtual squadrons VMFAT-101 and VFMA-115 are not affiliated in any way with the United States Navy, United States Marines, or the United States Department of Defense.